Wednesday, June 27, 2012

5-Day International Workshop on Digital Libraries using Greenstone at IIMK During 20-24 August 2012

IIM Kozhikode, as apart of its Faculty Development Programme (FDP), is organizing a 5-day International Workshop on Digital Libraries using Greenstone Software at IIM Kozhikode during 20-24 August 2012.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID

An identifier system that will distinguish between authors who share the same name. ORCID aims to reliably attribute research out-puts to their true author by assigning every scientist on the planet a machine-readable, 16-digit unique digital identifier. 

Instead of filling out personal details on countless electronic forms associated with submitting papers or applying for grants, a researcher could also simply type in his or her ORCID number. Various fields would be completed automatically by pulling in data from other authorized sources, such as databases of papers, citations, grants and contact details. ORCID does not intend to offer such services itself; the idea is that other organizations will use the open-access ORCID database to build their own services.

Individual researchers will be able to get an ORCID number for free as of later this year, whereas universities, companies and other organizations will pay tiered-subscription charges.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

National Workshop on Preparation of Scholarly Articles- Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod

Dates: first/second week of September, 2012

The workshop will be a type of camp in which participants will be trained in writing scholarly articles.  Each participant will generate at least one article for publication in the workshop.  The faculty leader will help them in selecting the topic and fine tuning the article.

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