Short list containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for interview for selection to the post of LIBRARIAN GRADE III on Rs. 8390 – 13270/- in KERALA COMMON POOL LIBRARY DEPARTMENT, published in the Gazette dated 30.09.2009 (Category No. 348/2009) on the basis of the O M R Test held on 31.03.2010..
see the list from the link given below
The Short List is prepared based on the details furnished by the candidate in the application and subsequent claims made will not be entertained at any stage. The candidates who have secured 90 (Ninety only) marks and above are included in the Main List of this Short List. The requisite marks have been lowered to the extent necessary in respect of the Supplementary Lists.
Candidates whose Register Numbers are included in the Short List are directed to send self attested copies of documents to prove their claims made in the application ie, qualification, date of birth, community and other benefits, if any , to which they are entitled to The Under Secretary, GR IV (B) (Government wing) Recruitment Office of the Kerala Public Service Commission, Pattom Palace PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695004 within 15 days from the date of publication of this Notification.
SC/ST candidates included in the Short List are required to produce two copies of Community Certificate issued by the concerned Tahsildar.
The candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes included in the Short List, are required to produce Non Creamy Layer Certificate as per GO (P)No.117/08/SC/ST/DD dated 19.12.2008, GO (P)No.81/09/SC/ST/DD dated 26.09.2009 along with other documents mentioned above as and when called for. Such candidates in the Main List who fail to produce the required Community Certificate/Non Creamy Layer Certificate will not be entitled to the benefit of community reservation and will be considered as Open Competition candidates and such candidates who are included in the supplementary lists will not be considered for this selection if they fails to produced NCLC/CC as the case may be.
The date, time and place of Interview will be intimated in due course.