Annual Billing cycle is from 1st December to 30th November to be paid in advance. Government of India, under National Mission for Education Project of Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD, has approved a highly subsidized scheme of providing up to 20 Nos. of Broadband Connections of 512 Kbps speed as VPN to National Knowledge Network with unlimited use of internet to each College/Institute.
Colleges approved by UGC/approved by AICTE/ Accredited by NAAC/affiliated to any approved University/12B/2F college Status by UGC are eligible for this services.
Annual Charges per connection are as follows
Annual Charges : Rs. 5000
BSNL Pays : Rs. 500
MHRD,GOI pays : Rs. 3375
College Pays : Rs. 1125, Applicable taxes extra.
For more information... Please contact your nearest BSNL office and ask them about GOI NMEICT scheme